Company Mission Statement
Mahler & Company, a division of California Realty Advisors, specializes in all phases of Retail Real Estate from the Planning, Development, and Leasing of Shopping Centers to Tenant Representation. Click on the hat for the whole story!!
Real Estate Projects
Mahler & Company has worked on Regional Shopping Centers, Power Centers, Specialty Centers, Entertainment Centers, Strip Centers, Infill Projects, and Civic Redevelopment Projects. Click on a dome for more!!
Tenant Representation
If you are a Retailer and you plan to expand on the West Coast, especially in California, Nevada, or Arizona, Mahler & Company can design and implement a store deployment strategy for you!! The Chest has more than mere gold!!!
Gary Mahler
Gary Mahler is the Founder and President of Mahler & Company. He has been a Real Estate Broker for 42 years and a California Attorney for over 48 years. He works directly with every Client. Click on Gary and make a new friend!!